In a rural village of el Priorat, lives Clàudia, a multifaceted artist, entrepreneur, and mother. Her days are a whirlwind of capturing moments through photography, modeling, and running a creative studio. Yet, her heart swells with the joys of watching her baby grow, learn and explore the world. As a child, she grew up surrounded by nature, instilling in her the importance of cherishing experiences over possessions.

Now, in the tranquil village of Capçanes, she finds solace and a sense of community. With a new photography project on the horizon and a passion for the wine and gastronomy industry, Clàudia continues to weave her artistic vision into the world, embracing her inner self, even in moments of shyness.

Hi Clàudia! Could you introduce yourself?

I’m Clàudia, a 26-year-old photographer, model, entrepreneur, and mother.

What is a typical day in your life like?

7:00 am, we wake up, I get myself ready, get Emili ready, and I drive him to the nursery. Then I go to work. My job is never the same, so I could be seeing clients, doing a shoot, be in meetings, or being at the co-working studio… At lunchtime, I pick up my son, go to my mum’s to have lunch, put Emili to nap, and keep working on the computer. I’ve just started a new business, so some days I work until noon, and he stays with a babysitter until my partner arrives. If I have the afternoon off, we go out for a stroll in the fields around our village. Sometimes we meet some friends in the bar, or I go to sports class (which is something I’d like to do more, but I don’t have the time). Back home, we start the night routine.

What excites you most about raising your baby?

Watching him grow, learn, and figure out the world he lives in and the person he is. I’m so grateful to accompany him on this journey and to share with him his emotions and experiences. And in doing so, I can discover and learn and work on myself a lot too. He also keeps my feet on the ground: the dimension, rhythm, time, the magnitude of things. It’s so different through his eyes.

How did you start as a photographer? Is it something that you have always wanted to do professionally?

Photography was very present in my childhood because my dad took many photos. I used my dad’s film cameras from a very young age, and photography became my method of expression. At 18, I decided to study a short foundation course in photography. I loved it. I was thrilled. But at that young age, I wasn’t clear about being a “professional photographer,” so I studied for a BA in the Media and Cultural Industry. After that, I started working in marketing and advertising to make a living while trying to boost my photography career. Today I do both: photography jobs and projects and running a creative and strategic studio in the wine and gastronomy sector. I also do some modeling.

How did your career as a model start? In what kind of photoshoots do you like to take part?

I was scouted at a wedding when I was 16. The agency I signed up for then ordered me to follow a particular “lifestyle” if I wanted to succeed. But that lifestyle wasn’t what I wanted for myself, and it didn’t suit my values. So, I have never been part of that world entirely. I like modeling because for me it is a way to be on the other side of the camera and learn about photography from another point of view. I have fun, and I enjoy it. And as it isn’t my main income, I can choose the projects I participate in.

You live with your life partner and baby in a rural area (Priorat); how has your life changed since you moved there? What is the sense of community like in a tiny village like yours?

I first moved here with my family when I was a teen, so it hasn’t been a new experience for me. It was a bit shocking back then, but this time it felt amazing. I love Barcelona; I was born there and lived there for a long time. But I wanted a better quality of life. I feel so lucky to live among nature, in a calm and slow-paced environment... it is so grounding. The sense of community in Capçanes is life-giving: we are only 400 hundred in the village, and we all know each other. Everything is quiet and safe… and kids can play on their own in the streets.

What was your upbringing like? Did you also grow up in an artistic/creative environment? Are these things that you’re consciously trying to incorporate into your children’s upbringing?

I am very grateful for the values ​​my parents have taught me and also for the experiences I had with them. I had lots of fun. My parents love being in nature, so I remember a lot of trekking, sleeping in tents, mushroom hunting, being in the Pyrenees Mountains, and enjoying the snow and the beach. I also remember listening to lots of music and sharing lots of moments with my parent's friends and their children. My parents taught me that what matters in life aren’t things. It's something I want Emili to be aware of as well.

Any special upcoming projects?

I’m starting a new photography project about matrescence and the experience of becoming a mother. The project is still at an early stage, but I’m starting to photograph women and collect testimonials. Apart from that, I’m also focused on growing the creative studio and the marketing agency on wine and gastronomy I founded here in Priorat.

The SS23 Living in a Shell collection is about shyness, seen as a trait, not a flaw. Do you consider yourself a shy person?

I don't think I'm a shy person and consider myself very open, but in some situations, shyness invades me: I don't like to speak in public or be the center of attention. This is when my zodiac sign shines: I am cancer with cancer ascendant.

Shop Baby

A story by Fantastic Mr Nilsson @fantasticmrnilsson 

AD & Styling by Mafer Navas @mafernavas

Photography by Anouk Nitsche @anouk_nitsche

Production by Txell Hernández-Gil @txell_hg

Styling Assistant is Ana Fernández @anfecasals

Models are Clàudia Grosche @claudiagrosche and Emili.